Prayer is an essential part of our every day lives and helps keep us focused on our relationship with God. Our collection of treasured Catholic books was written especially for those readers dedicated to living by the spirit of their faith. This book features favorite Catholic prayers with beautiful illustrations to match. Our Aquinas Press®…
Features over 30 favorite litanies, including the six approved litanies of the Church and many more honoring God, Our Lady, the angels and saints, as well as special litanies like the Litany of Humility. A great prayer book! Our Aquinas Press® best-selling prayer books feature treasured Catholic devotions, including Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Consecration…
Huge in scope, yet simple and readable, True Devotion to the Holy Spirit covers virtually everything there is to know about the Spirit s role in our salvation — and it does so with a refreshing reliance on God s Word, not on opinions or subjective visions. Luis M. Martinez, the former Archbishop of Mexico…
Each book in the 30 Days with a Great Spiritual Teacher series provides a month of daily readings from one of Christianity s most beloved spiritual guides. For each day there is a brief and accessible morning meditation drawn from the mystic s writings, a simple mantra for use throughout the day, and a night…
To trust in God’s will is the “secret of happiness and content,” the one sure-fire way to attain serenity in this world and salvation in the next. Trustful Surrender simply and clearly answers questions that many Christians have regarding God’s will, the existence of evil, and the practice of trustful surrender, such as: • How…
An extraordinary prayer book with powerful unfailing Novena to Our Lady Untier (Undoer) of Knots. Contains the history and connection to Pope Francis and this devotion. Many graces and favors have been granted through this Novena as Our Lady intercedes taking the ribbon of knots in our lives and untangles them. Includes Novena Prayers, Pope…
By: Randy England Shows how New Age principles have infiltrated the Catholic Church; being a combination of humanism; paganism; self-deification; Satanism and witchcraft; a far more dangerous movement than it appears! This is the first full-length study of the impact of the New Age Movement on Catholicism. Clear and down to earth. Tells what it…
The presence of the Catholic Church in the United States reaches back to the founding days of our country through the leadership of Archbishop John Carroll, the first Catholic bishop in the United States. His story, like other stories at the start of the chapters in the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, gives us…
Abby Johnson quit her job in October 2009. That simple act became a national news story because Abby was the director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas who, after participating in her first actual abortion procedure, walked across the road to join the Coalition for Life. Unplanned is a heart stopping personal drama of…
The inspiration for the writing of this book came as a result of the consideration by Ron Tesoriero of the facts and scientific findings in his examination of a case of a Communion host that spontaneously transformed into what seemed like flesh and blood, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1996. In the course of that…
Minute meditations for every day of the year containing a scripture reading, a reflection, and a prayer. Fr. Catoir teaches us that one can eliminate negative thinking, and improve one s emotional life, by putting on the indomitable will to count one s blessings and choosing to be happy by filling one s mind with…
Here, then, says St. Alphonsus, is our heaven on earth–the Most Blessed Sacrament. This book was conceived and written to help us grow in the knowledge and love of God and in appreciation for what He has done for us. For each of the 31 days of the month, St. Alphonsus provides for us a…
2,020 Multiple-Choice Questions! Fun to use! Approximately 6th-grade level! Usually 20 words per chapter! Clearly Organized! Includes many Catholic words! Teaches logical thinking! Easy-to-use Answer Key! Includes an alphabetical Vocabulary List for the following six Windeatt books: Children of Fatima, Cure of Ars, Little Flower, Patron Saint of First Communicants, Miraculous Medal, Saint Louis de…
One doctor’s journey of faith to save her two terminally ill baby girls. Cyndi Peterson was a successful physician, wife and mother who had everything she ever dreamed of—yet true peace continued to elude her. Her quest leads her to Medjugorje, where Mary the Mother of God is reported to appear daily. After returning home…
Are you going through the RCIA Process? Are you new to Catholicism and become a recent Catholic convert? Did you grow up Catholic and return as a Catholic revert? Are you interested in becoming Catholic for the first time? The depth of Catholic theology is one of its greatest beauties, but understanding it can be…
No matter how busy or complicated life becomes, God can be found in the details of the day. In this lighthearted yet realistic look at the ups and downs of daily life, Teresa Tomeo provides daily reflections to soothe the souls of Christian women everywhere. Her wisdom and humor will show you how you can…